Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ignite Your Metabolism, Boost Your Fat Burn!

Chef Buff here with the good vibrations, Marky Mark style to give you the goods on this Good Friday.
Why's it good? Because you're watching this video and in this video RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. I'm going to help everyone boost their metabolism.

And its not going to involve some new South American diet pill or sticking something up your butt- isn't that awesome?

BMR for males = 66 + (13.7 x w) + (5 x h) - (6.8 x y)
BMR for females = 655 + (9.6 x w) + (1.8 x h) - (4.7 x y)

h = height in centimeters (inches x 2.54)
w = weight in kilograms (pounds ÷ 2.2)
y = age in years

Why should you care? Because everyone's metabolism sucks. Seriously. From crash dieting, to not eating right, to being lazy, everyone needs a faster metabolism. By boosting your metabolism, you burn more calories and will lose more weight and be sexier. And everyone wants that. Shit my metabolism is so jacked up that making this video I'm not even wearing any PANTS.


A slower metabolism can be caused by several things:
1. Eating too few calories
2. Dieting too long
3. Burnt out adrenal glands or high stress levels
4. Thyroid Problems
5. Not exercising enough and watching too much American Idol
6. Absence of lean muscle, if you look like a skeleton this could be you.

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