Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bruce Lee's Amazing Physical Feats

Despite his back injury that remained for rest of his life, Bruce lee could do 1 finger Pushups on one hand, elevated V sits for extended period of times, he could cannate an opponent several feets away by a punch he delivered from only 1 inch away!

"Lee, pound for pound, might well have been one of the strongest men in the world, and certainly one of the quickest. Whether doing one-handed, two-finger push-ups, or horizontally holding up a 125-pound barbell, Lee was impressively strong for his size, especially at only 140-145 pounds." - Chuck Norris

"The fact is Bruce was a giant in so many ways." - Chuck Norris

If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. Bruce Lee

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. " - Bruce Lee

Many of Bruce Lee's statements are derived from his own studies of various schools of philosophy and the martial arts, and are sometimes paraphrases of previous expressions by others which he wrote down for his own instruction into his own words.

He was no doubt a great martial artist and philosopher and much more.....

"I wouldn't have put a dime on anyone to beat Bruce Lee in a real confrontation. Bruce Lee was the best street fighter I ever saw, even to this very day, and not just pound for pound — but against anyone in a real fight." -James Demile

"Bruce Lee is my Idol. I try to learn some techniques from him, especially the quickness of his hands and legs." -Manny Pacquiao

"I considered him by far the greatest. And for those who don´t considering him the greatest, at least he is the top candidate for being actually the greatest." -Joe Lewis, quoted in "Death by Misadventure"

He is the Father of Modern MMA........
Bruce Lee was also a inventor, he made his own designs in sketches and blueprints of machines to develop his physical conditioning and strength which he send to his friend, George Lee(no relation), who made these machines according to his well.

"Bruce was a great fighter and would have always done well." - Bob Wall

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